Tourism Pro Talks- Keith Snode of Kaleidoscope Adventures

Keith Snode


One of the best parts of being in the Tourism industry for many years is the people I meet. Our industry has an endless list of talented, hardworking, fun-loving and creative professionals. I decided to interview my friends and give you a peek into their lives and careers.

This week we hear from my friend Keith Snode of Kaleidoscope Adventures. Keith was one of the first subscribers to my blog and I have always been thankful to him for that!


Tell us a bit about how you got started in the tourism industry.


I was a middle school and high school choir director in Ohio and planned trips with my choirs to Chicago, Toronto, and locally to Cedar Point.  I always planned the trips on my own and one day I decided to use a tour company.  I sent them over the itinerary I wanted for my trip and the owner called me and said “you should be working for me.”  After a year and a half of pestering, she convinced me to make the switch and I’ve been in the travel industry now for 22 years with brief stops in mortgages, concert production, and moving.

What is your current job and what are your primary responsibilities?


I am the Chief Operating Officer at Kaleidoscope Adventures.  We produce student tours to destinations all over the world.  My job is focused on my team and our customers helping pave the way so that working on our team and doing business with us as a customer is easy, stress-free, and enjoyable.  I believe strongly in the loyalty-profit chain and that it starts with your team so much of my responsibilities rest in preventing or removing barriers that get in the way of their success.

Kaleidoscope Adventures logo

What are some of the changes you have seen since you began your career?


Certainly, the biggest change has been in how we approach safety and security.  This is especially critical given that we work with students and families.  Our approach to marketing and sales is also quite different.  We work more directly with individual passengers on a trip now instead of just group leaders.  Much of the work that group leaders used to handle is now our responsibility which for the most part has been a blessing for both us and our group leaders.

What tourism trends are you seeing that will impact your job and how you work in the next 2 years?


The items I mentioned in the question above are really are top priorities in our two-year plan.  We must find ways to provide more and more clarity when it comes to safety and security on tour.  This is done through continual improvements in planning, technology, and training.  Furthermore, we also must continue to refine our connection with the end-user on our group tours.  Group leaders need our help to guide them to success in planning their tour.  This means more than just a good logistical itinerary but also guiding them through destination selection and how to promote your trip to their group.

It’s vacation time – where do you go?

I used to live in NYC and we love to go back and visit.  The city is in my blood and I always feel alive when I’m there.

What is your favorite app and tell us a bit about it.

I fly a lot.  My Delta App has saved me on multiple occasions when I needed to rebook.  A close second would be my Hilton app.  I love being able to choose my room location.


What is your favorite tradeshow and why?


My favorite show of all the ones I’ve attended was IITA Summit.  I felt like I conducted more business there than the bigger shows because of the longer appointments and a smaller group.  We all left knowing everyone in attendance.  It was fantastic.


What advice do you have for someone just getting started in the tourism industry?

Keep an open mind, get out on the road with your customers periodically and see your experience through their eyes, and volunteer for everything you can handle at the trade shows to meet people and learn.  Remain grateful and enjoy every moment of this amazing industry.

Are you looking for some additional help?

I am currently accepting new clients for help with Group tour strategy planning. Get a jump on 2020 by having a plan in place. You can also:

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