Client project – a new profile sheet for Firelight Barn Dinner Theatre, part 1

This post originally appeared in 2019, but with tradeshow season on the horizon, I thought it would be helpful to share this information again!

I am always impressed with the small businesses I encounter in my work. A long-time blog reader is Toni, the owner of Firelight Barn, a dinner theatre in Henderson Nevada. It is a family-run business and a perfect stop for groups looking to do something off the strip one day- or on their way to see the Hoover Dam.

Toni, the family matriarch first reached out to get some help targeting the China group tour market. After we spoke, however, it was clear to me that the domestic group market was lower-hanging fruit. We decided to target that market initially and the first project we tackled was their profile sheet. They were gracious enough to let me share the process with all of you.

What is a profile sheet?

A profile sheet is a one-page document that suppliers ( attractions, hotels, restaurants) share with tour operators. It is the one piece of information you can leave with an operator at the larger tradeshows such as ABA and NTA, smaller regional shows as well as when you go on sales calls

A well-designed profile sheet is your strongest sales tool. A poorly designed profile sheet often gets discarded or ignored in favor of a more compelling product.


Step 1. Start with what you have.

Toni sent over the documents they currently used and there were some good elements to start with.

  • Photos– We all know a picture is worth 1000 words and much more effective than a block of text.
  • Mentioned location- Tour operators might not know where Henderson is, but they will all know Hoover Dam. That helps place the location in their mind immediately.
Elements to work on
  • Backside blank. I am always surprised to see profile sheets that only use one side. You are losing a huge opportunity to share more information and images. Always create a 2 sided profile sheet.
  • Lacking contact information. The goal is to share all pertinent information with a tour operator- we do not want them to have to go to a website and search for contact information and pricing.
  • More images with short explanations. It’s a fact people don’t read long blocks of text so concise wording and bullet points are the best way to share your information. Write at a 6th-grade level so it is very easy to understand.



Step 2. We are on the way to a great profile sheet.


After our initial conversation, they went and implemented my suggestions. Here is the second version of the profile sheet. Such a great improvement!

Front side of profile sheet

Here are the great things about it now:

  • It has twice as much information
  • The images are larger
  • Testimonials help sell the experience
  • It is easy to see that they work with and welcome groups
  • Contact information and location are easy to see.


  • Backside of profile sheet

But there is still room for improvement

We have one more round of changes and edits to make. Here were some of my suggestions:

Always have others proofread. I know this first hand.  I can read through one of my online courses a dozen times and think everything is correct. Then I hit publish and see a glaring error! Even the best writers have proofreaders. Have someone else ( or several people) look at your profile sheet before you get ready to print it. I guarantee someone will find something!

Think about what operators need to know to make a decision. Have you given them information on pricing, and how they can add you into an itinerary? What is unique about your venue? What are tour operators asking when they reach out for more information? Add that in.


The Final Profile Sheet

I will unveil the final profile sheet with incorporated changes in a future blog post- stay tuned! In the meantime, here are some steps you can take to increase your success in the group tour market:

I would love if you would share this post with at least two other Tourism Pros. Have a great week!

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