
Increase your attraction ticket sales by letting others do the work!

The whole goal of working in the sales department ( or being the sales department if you are a smaller attraction!) is to increase your attraction ticket sales.  Whether that includes strategies on selling to groups, social media initiatives or making tickets available from the home page of your website ( which I discuss in […]

Increase your attraction ticket sales by letting others do the work! Read More »

Why attractions need Airbnb and why destinations won’t help

Oooh – controversy! I know we have had enough of that with the current political situation, but a little tourism controversy is a good starting point for a discussion on the biggest change to the tourism industry in recent years- the rise of Airbnb as a lodging option. Airbnb was born out of an idea

Why attractions need Airbnb and why destinations won’t help Read More »

3 simple steps to impress Chinese tour operators

As many of you know, the Chinese visitor market to the United States is growing every year. Double digit growth every year since 2009 means more and more attractions will be welcoming these guests. As the Chinese first started to visit the United States, they ventured to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the popular National

3 simple steps to impress Chinese tour operators Read More »

One Click ticket purchases- can your attraction do that?

I am always on the lookout for new trends in the marketplace and recently I have been seeing technology that allows consumers to purchase an item with one click. The first place I saw this was on Amazon, with their new Dash buttons.  I decided to order one that would allow me to purchase cat litter

One Click ticket purchases- can your attraction do that? Read More »

Trend Spotting will keep your attraction in business. Here's some ideas

Earlier this spring on a British Airways flight, I read an article on the in-flight magazine, business life. It had a great article on ‘How to Spot a Trend’. Here is the link if you would like to read the entire article, and I will give you some insight into how trend spotting can help attractions.

Trend Spotting will keep your attraction in business. Here's some ideas Read More »

Agritourism -guests looking to do the dirty work.

Agritourism has been loosely defined as any activity or agriculturally based operation that brings a visitor to a farm or ranch. People are realizing that they have been disconnected from their food sources and  the opportunity to spend some time in a rural setting and watch and learn how their food is grown has growing appeal. When

Agritourism -guests looking to do the dirty work. Read More »

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