Tourism Pro Talks – Martha Martinez at YaYa Louisiana Tours and Travel

Martha MartinezOne of the best parts of being in the Tourism industry for many years is the people I meet. Our industry has an endless list of talented, hardworking, fun-loving and creative professionals. I decided to interview my friends and give you a peek into their lives and careers. Feel free to ask questions in the comments section, and I will follow-up with the guest interviewed. This week we hear from my friend Martha Martinez of New Orleans who owns her own company.


Tell us a bit about how you got started in the tourism industry.

PBX operator at Sheraton Hotel on Canal St. (Over 1000 rooms-49 stories). I moved up several times and loved sales but never worked in sales. Highest position was reservation coordinator.


What is your current job and what are your primary responsibilities?

Owner of Yaya Louisiana Tours and Travel.  I am local receptive tour operator.  I assist planners, reserve tours, restaurants, attractions, hotels, Tour guides too.


What are some of the changes you have seen since you began your career?

-Very competitive. Destination wise, tour guides, tours, tour companies.

-more day trips to NOLA due to so many peak seasons- conventions, special events


What tourism trends are you seeing that will impact your job and how you work in the next 2 years?

COVID-19, of course, will work on drive market, stay-cation until things get back to normal and vaccine comes out. Focus shift to make visitors feel safe.


It’s vacation time-where do you go?

The beach- Orange Beach, AL or Destin, FL


What is your favorite app and tell us a bit about it.

Facebook. Personally, I have family, friends, and clients that I can see and talk to.  My tour page promoting has been good and I keep getting the word out about it. [ Here is Martha’s business Facebook page link]


What is your favorite tradeshow and why?

IPW– It was always a huge international trade show that brought so many buyers. Leads!

What advice do you have for someone just getting started in the tourism industry?

If you are in your dream job-great! Keep learning, network, build and maintain relationships.  If you are starting out and maybe at the bottom/entry level, ask and learn about the industry; volunteer to help get a mentor, network.

 What is one of the ways you are coping with self-isolating during this time?


I work from home so it’s not an issue for me.  I had my first tour guide group which was a walking tour in the French Quarter.  We all wore masks and in phase 2, groups were 7 people and under.  I did 4 tours in one day instead of just one.

NOLA tour

What do you see as an opportunity that will come out of the current Coronovirus crisis?

The smaller groups.  People love the idea of private small tours.

Thanks Martha!

How can I help you in June 2020?


DMO’s – Are you looking for ways to provide some value to your members during this time? Would you like to offer a free webinar that I will host?  Join organizations such as

Your organization can choose from “Continue your Career from your Couch” or “5 Steps to get More Group Tours”. I offer 3 spots a month for free webinars – and there is still one spot available in July and 2 in August. Your group must have at least 50 members to qualify. Hit reply to this email and let’s get you scheduled!

My Online Tourism Training Program helps DMOs/CVBs educate their partners in this changing environment. Partners can join from their homes or offices, and all the webinars are recorded so you can build a resource library and increase professionalism. I would be honored to help your destination!


Tourism Pro Academy

Are you looking for some articles and resources to increase your professionalism? Are you new to the industry and trying to find a place where you can pick up some more knowledge? Then head over to Tourism Pro Academy. There are free articles and resources, along with online courses and ways to work with me. Click here to sign up for free access!

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