The tale of three Americas during the Coronavirus

I feel honored that so many of my readers take the time to reach out to me with comments, information, and ideas. Yesterday was no exception. Coronavirus and Tourism are intertwined.  What was different was that I was hearing distinctly different messages- from those who are now laid off, those who are working from home for the first time, and those who are still at work welcoming visitors. Which camp are you in today?


Laid off

I have been let go from 2 different jobs in tourism. I was doing a great job at both positions, was well respected and enjoyed going to work every day. But circumstances changed at each job and I was let go with no warning. I was in shock because I was the breadwinner for my family. Both times I had to apply for unemployment, had to endure many sleepless nights and fight panic.

One of the actions I took both times was to brainstorm a list of 10 ways I could make money.

This helped me feel less panicked. One example? At my DMO job I had been responsible for writing and sending out emails to three different audiences and I had gotten good at using Constant Contact, an email marketing service, so that was on the list.

One day I went to my local farmer’s market and a young farmer was selling grass feed beef. She had a clipboard with a sign-up list to receive her newsletter so I signed up. The following week I received a mass email from Angela with everyone’s email address showing and a basic message telling us what her weekly specials were. That gave me an idea.

The next Saturday at the market I approached Angela with a proposal: I would write her emails for her, make them look much more professional and help her grow her mailing list. In exchange, she would give me $150 worth of meat every month. She was thrilled with the idea and I was excited to know I would at least be able to have meat on my family’s table. That was in 2008 and we are still working together today! I taught my daughter how to use the software when she was in college and now Kate has taken over writing and sending the posts.

You have skills that you can use during this difficult time and you will get through this. I promise.


Working from home

It all sounds good in theory, doesn’t it? You don’t have to wear pants, don’t have to fight traffic and can throw in a load of laundry whenever you want. The truth is that it is hard to work from home and requires a new mindset and different habits.

I have been working from home on and off since 1998 and have been lucky enough to have a home office. I was going to write up some of my tips, but I was sent an article that shares a lot of great advice. Click here to read it. 

One productivity hack that works for me- the Pomodoro technique. Basically it tells you to break your work into short 25-minute chunks and then take a break. So to be more productive at home, work for a bit and then go start the laundry. Work for a bit and walk to the mailbox and change your surroundings.

Do you also have small kids at home?

My kids were old enough to know that when my office door was closed that they could only bother me if they were bleeding ( profusely). So with small kids, all I can tell you from my decades of parenting is to do your best. Work will pass by but the time spent with your children is the best investment you will ever make.

Still working in your office?

Good on you! I am sure it has become increasingly stressful too. One of my friends said not only is she still at work, but they are welcoming groups from other countries! My guess is that you will fit into one of the above categories in the next few weeks. But right now you have a window to get prepared and make some good decisions. What are some ways you can make every current guest feel like a VIP? What projects have you been putting off that can be accomplished once you are home? Set up a meeting to determine how to handle layoffs so you have a plan in place and don’t have to make tough decisions on the fly.


Would you like to join the Free 5 day S.W.O.T Challenge?

S.W.O.T. stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. In this challenge that starts on Monday, you will have a short video and a bit of homework each day. At the end of the week, you will have a basic framework that will help you make decisions on a topic or situation you have chosen. Click here to sign up and join close to 50 of your tourism peers in taking action next week!


May I ask a favor?

Can you forward this to at least 2 people? I thank you, they will appreciate it and then they can sign up here to receive their own emails from me. 



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